Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Book Review - Chapter 3

In this chapter it tells about, this person is forming a SKALI with many adventures around him. He anger to face the new challenges in his life. He wanted to know something new and create something that was wholly he’s own. They did it, it wasn’t any youthful exuberance they really wanted everything will be totally difference.

In this era, IT and New Media play a big role in this world. It being a platform for every industry. The US was trailblazing the way, while Japan, South Korea and Taiwan were leading the pack in Asia. Why not bring that world to Malaysia? Why not us?

The IT and New Media industries provided that platform. At that time, the Internet was the rage. It wasn’t just about e-mailing friends and peers all over the world; the Internet opened up worlds for everyone around the globe. It was impossible not to get caught up in the euphoria of the 90s.

The idea was to build content around the search engine and make money by selling online ads. So, he tested the idea with his father. He figured if he could convince a sceptical old-economy guy like his father it would surely be a hit. At first, he told him what a search engine did. He got confused, so rather than explaining further, he showed him.

At last, he’s dream had come true. Little did we expect that he’s dream would soon turn into a nightmare. He manage to get through all the challenges after he go through up and down with loans here and there with his partnership. From this, what we have learnt, it’s not wrong to dream, and patience is the most important thing we have to bared in mind.


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